
If adventures will not befall a young lady in her own village, she must seek them abroad.

-Jane Austen

Gananoque, Canada: FIFA Chow Downs and Native Name Origins

A year ago today, we were in the midst of the FIFA Women’s World Cup, and two years ago we were in the midst of the FIFA Men’s World Cup. In both instances (and by pure coincidence), I spent the final games of each of these events outside of my home country. I’ve always been…

I’m Back: New ‘Travels’ Down Memory Lane & New Activism

The American girl who was gypped from her semester exchange in Cardiff due to a pandemic is at it again: travel blogging, but this time with a twist. Now, please make no mistake. For the past (almost 3?) months since my study abroad experience came to its early end, I’ve been holed up at home…

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